France-IX launches its first point of presence location tool called « PoP finder »

France-IX launches its first point of presence location tool called « PoP finder »

11 France-IX PoPs in France and 285 virtual PoPs Worldwide through partners
After a soft launch in 2017, we are excited to announce the launch of this new mapping tool. We named it “PoP finder” simply because it allows any online visitor to find easily and quickly any point of presence (PoP) in Paris, Marseille, in France and anywhere in the rest of the world where a network can connect to France-IX either directly (France-IX PoPs in red) or via France-IX remote peering partners (reseller PoPs in green).

First, we built a database of all these locations using peeringDB as the unique source. Thank you again peeringDB: we are happy to support all your recent improvements for the Peering community. This is why we encourage strongly any existing and potential reseller and datacenter owner to keep their data up-to-date so we can show accurate information.

Secondly, we geocoded these locations. In the world of geolocation where we live now, we believe it was important to show you the exact location of these sites, how far or how close they can be from each other and even share with you some best kept secrets (if you are not familiar with Paris, Equinix PA2/3 is not in the city center of Paris nor at a walking distance from Telehouse 2!). Thank you google maps for letting us use your mapping tool.

Last but not least, we created a request form so that any visitor could ask a quote right away to get connected to France-IX Paris and/or Marseille via the reseller(s) of their choice in each PoP of interest. We thank in advance our official resellers for their reactivity to all the incoming requests.

We hope you will find it useful. We are already working on version 2 so all comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Happy PoP finding!

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