Dear France-IX Members,

Undeniably, we can say France-IX has proven its resilience and sustainability over the past 18 months. We even succeeded in writing the history together in the midst of such unforeseen and challenging times.

Indeed, the merger with Rezopole, approved by members from both entities, marked a great step forward in our growth strategy, proving again that collaboration is key. More than the extended geographical coverage we gained, this has consolidated France-IX’s portfolio of services and strengthened its position among the top 10 IXs in the world.

We are delighted to welcome you all in person to our next General Meeting on January, 13th after such a long period of time. As you know, this is also the day when new members are getting elected for the France-IX Board. For all the interested candidates please have a look into the following article. If you share our vision and values described and wish to join the adventure for the next 3 years, please send your application or spread the word around you.

Best regards on behalf of the France-IX Board,

Christian KAUFMANNPresident of the France-IX Board












How many seats are available?

This year, two seats are to be renewed. Three members’ terms are ending in 2021 (Rebecca Stanic, Florence Lavroff and Stéphane Bortzmeyer), in addition to which Christian Kaufmann is leaving the board, as already announced at our last General Meeting.

It was decided to renew 2 seats and not 4 in accordance with France-IX’s articles of association, which provide that the total number of members within the Board should be comprised between 6 and 8. This reduced number is bound to maintain a certain level of stability within the board by better regulating the arrivals and exits from the Board from a year to another, and avoid for example years with several renewals and others with none, thus guaranteeing new blood every year within the team.

Who should apply?

If you have a professional experience in telecoms/Internet/network interconnection, if you want to be part of France-IX community and if you have time to do so, a great opportunity opens up for you.

You can apply, whether your company is a member or not of France-IX, except if you are already a board member of another Internet Exchange Point, or if you already work for another Internet Exchange Point.

For these seats, more than technical skills, it is expected to benefit from your knowledge from the market, your capacity to identify and collect needs and to express a vision and contribute to the development of France-IX.

The duration of the mandate for a board member is 3 years.

The main missions of the board members are:

  • Participate to monthly conference calls (1 hour);
  • Participate to face to face meetings (twice a year, full day);
  • Represent the association France-IX, and be a spokesman;
  • Make the link with the France-IX’s community, especially to collect needs and expectations;
  • Contribute to the strategy of France-IX, help to define new services and bring high-level advice to the CEO.

All board members must sign a Code of Conduct, in relation with the confidential nature of the information they will have access to, and to guarantee neutrality in decision-making processes, and avoid any potential conflict of interest.

How and when should I apply?

Your resume along with max 300 word statements in English should be submitted to prior to Friday 12 November 2021.

Please note that your application is subject to review by France-IX current Board before being validated and shared with the voters.

The vote is electronic and stays open until the defined hour during the General meeting (Thursday 13 January 2022). Candidates who received the greatest number of votes are elected and announced at the end of the GM day on France-IX’s website. Two seats will be renewed on this day.

What should I expect?

France-IX Board Members do not get any kind of salary, bonus or discounts on peering services. Only expenses during the face-to-face meetings may be reimbursed.

France-IX Board Members get fulfilled by their involvement in a professional eco-system of over 500 members and their contribution to help France-IX to grow year after year. Actually, technical matters are rarely discussed during Board Meetings but instead Board Members contribute to bring innovation, ideas with member satisfaction, and more generally, ideas to keep improving France-IX performance and services, and finally they are the guardians of France-IX sustainability in the long term.

See the list of the current Board Members (bottom of the page).

Question, comment, concern?

If you have any question and would like more information, please contact the President of France IX Services:


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