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Category: Peering

France-IX lance son premier outil de localisation de point de présence, baptisé PoP finder

France-IX lance son premier outil de localisation de point de présence, baptisé PoP finder

  Après une version béta en 2017, nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer le lancement de cet outil de localisation de point de présence. Baptisé « PoP finder », il a pour but d’aider n’importe quel visiteur de notre site web à trouver facilement et rapidement tous les points de présence (PoP) à Paris, à Marseille, en France et n’importe où dans le reste du monde où il est possible de se connecter à France-IX soit directement (PoPs France-IX en rouge), soit…

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The future of IXP’s will be service driven

The future of IXP’s will be service driven

The future of internet exchange points is collaboration, “the point is not to be the biggest, it’s to be clever enough to make sure you facilitate the entry of a new network, instead of wanting to be the only one connecting this new network,” says France-IX CEO, Franck Simon. It’s been a good year for France-IX. The company has been successful in attracting a number of corporate companies, in addition to CDN’s (content delivery networks) and ISP’s (internet service providers)…

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IXP Training from France-IX

IXP Training from France-IX

Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), where networks physically meet to cost effectively exchange local traffic, are an important part of the Internet, especially for enabling local users to access a variety of content and services. However, launching and maintaining an IXP, particularly in developing countries, can be complicated and start-up groups can benefit from knowledge, experience and training passed on by those of us who have been down the road before. France-IX is the Premier Internet Peering Service Provider in France,…

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Rapport technique trimestriel Q2’17

Rapport technique trimestriel Q2’17

Les principales actions finalisées au cours de cette période sont les suivantes : 1- Renouvellement de l’infrastructure réseau sur Paris en 3 phases principales (appel d’offre et sélection, POC et déploiement): Appels d’offre : trois appels d’offre ont été lancés sur des critères de réponse aux besoins techniques et de compétitivité de l’offre commerciale. Les résultats sont les suivants : Fibres noires : l’objectif principal était de reconstruire un backbone double cœur (Telehouse 2 et Interxion PAR5) avec chaque PoP périphérique en…

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Zoom on Capacity Middle East 2017

Zoom on Capacity Middle East 2017

In March, I was invited to speak as part of a panel at the Capacity Middle East conference in Dubai. Now in its 13th year, Capacity Middle East is the largest gathering of Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 carriers and service providers in the Middle East. The panel in question was called: Fast-Tracking Digital Content Delivery & services Across the Middle East. With a senior analyst from Telegeography, Erik Kreifeldt, as moderator, the various panellists who included Ivo…

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If you peer in Paris, why peer in Marseille?

If you peer in Paris, why peer in Marseille?

France-IX Paris (created in 2010, total of 330 AS) is more established than France-IX Marseille (created in 2013, total of 33 AS), there is no doubt about that. We even believe that in the long term, France-IX Marseille will always count less members than France-IX Paris but will exceed Paris in term of traffic.   The difference lies in the geographic location and the addressable market of each community. Peering in Paris has been historical and attracts a wide variety…

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