How to contact us?

How to contact us?

Contact Form, Service marketing, Sales,Technical

New year, new projects and the first one being to always better serve our community! The points of contacts at France-IX have evolved online on our website to answer you more efficiently and quickly: sales, technical, billing/accounting, marketing and other general request.


You are a France-IX member or a partner (remote peering, marketplace) and…

  • You want to move or change your current connection (upgrade, migration)
  • You need to modify your administrative data (acquisition, merger, change of contacts, office move…)
  • You want to add an additional service (private peering/CUG, marketplace service)

You are not a France-IX member or a partner yet (remote peering, marketplace) and…

  • You want to know more about our services and talk to France-IX on a global basis
  • You are interested to become a partner (remote peering, marketplace)



You are a France-IX member or a partner (remote peering, marketplace) and…

  • You notice a degradation of your quality of service
  • You lost your access to France-IX customer portal “tools”
  • You wish to access partner IXPs via your peering port
  • You have specific technical questions, you need to access the technical mailing lists

You are not a France-IX member or a partner yet (remote peering, marketplace) and…

  • You have specific technical questions


CONTACT THE ACCOUNTING TEAM (Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable) IF

You are a current France-IX member or supplier and…

  • You have a question about a past or future invoice or payment receipt/invoice payment
  • You need to modify your billing date (frequency, contact, address…)
  • You would like to send us any purchase order number, reference or any other information to be added in our invoices


  • You would like to send us any non-technical comment or suggestion on our website, blog, etc.
  • You are looking for general information about the company
  • You would like to talk to us about an event/conference, a sponsorship or a speaking opportunity
  • You would like to contact us about the General Meeting, the voting process or the annual report
  • You are a journalist, analyst or editor and would like to ask questions or schedule an interview


  • You would like to apply to a job or any internship
  • You would like to offer your services
  • You have another question, not listed here

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