Q3 2018 Technical Update

Q3 2018 Technical Update


Below are the main actions undertaken during the third quarter 2018:


Software upgrade: in order to fix some minor issues, we performed a software upgrade campaign on Extreme SLX chassis installed @Interxion PAR5 and Telehouse2 PoPs.

Layer 2 traffic inspection: we developed a tool to be able to monitor broadcasted traffic in the network. Analysers are installed in every PoP and traffic is classified by protocol. Then, we are able to check easily if there is unwanted L2 traffic in the peering LAN. We plan to extend this tool to integrate real time alerting.


  • Key technical numbers for Q3-2018:


  • Customer ports connected during the last 3 months:

– 1G: 3 ports

– 10G: 13 ports

– 100G: 11 port

  • Availability for Q3-2018:

– Paris: 99,9962%

– Marseille: 100%

  • NOC tickets for Q3-2018: 69 tickets



Main outages during Q3-2018:

– 03/07/2018: Equinix PA6 PoP impacted by a reboot of chassis due to PDU power instabilities. 30 IPs impacted during 9 minutes.

– 21/08/2018: kind of proxy ARP configured by a member. Few ARP requests have been spoofed during 60mins, causing troubles between members having sent these ARP requests and requested IPs.

– 04/09/2018: Telehouse 2: instabilities on two line cards on slx1.th2 after having launched a command to collect logs, 7 IPs were impacted during 8 minutes.

– 04/09/2018: PAR5: following Telehouse 2 instabilities, PAR5 members (20 IPs) were unable to reach slx1.th2 during 65mins

Next main actions:

– Small and medium PoPs upgrade: we are working on selecting a platform to replace our existing equipment in those PoPs. They will be upgraded progressively, depending on 100G needs. The concerned PoPs in the short term are Interxion PAR1, Equinix PA7 and Telehouse 3, and in the medium term, Iliad DC2, Iliad DC3, Interxion PAR2 and Equinix PA6.

– New member portal: in order to provide you with enhanced information and options to perform changes to your services, we are enhancing our member portal. A new version will be available beginning of 2019.

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