Q2 2023 Technical Update

Q2 2023 Technical Update

Dear peers,

We’re happy to share with you some technical news for the second quarter of 2023! We hope you will read this review with interest!



  • Lyon: Adding more co-location housing capacity

As announced in the last Quarterly Report, a project to add additional rack space in the SFR Netcenter and IN2P3 PoPs has been launched. Some progress has been done during Q2, installation is almost finished. Peering services will be migrated progressively this summer in those new racks.

  • Lyon/Grenoble: Nokia rollout

The aim of this large-scale project is to replace the entire infrastructure in the Lyon and Grenoble areas, which is currently based on Huawei and Cisco devices. Migration has started during Q2. The first Nokia 7750 SR-1-48D device, featuring the new-generation FP5 chipset and supporting 400G ports, has been deployed in a new rack @SFR Netcenter. 3 satellites 7210 SAS have been deployed in the existing racks in order to aggregate 10G ports on 7750 SR-1-48D platform. More than 50% of peering and NAP services have been migrated in a single night. This migration was also an opportunity to migrate some services that are no longer available in the service catalog such as 1G ports or copper ports. Maintenances will follow during Q3 to migrate the whole infrastructure, in 7 PoPs.

  • Paris Nokia rollout

Telehouse 3 PoP has been successfully migrated to a Nokia 7750 SR-1 device. Platform is now supporting 400G customer interfaces and 100G port capacity has been increased significantly.



A few figures about Q2-2023:

  • New customer ports (including upgrades) Q2-2023:
    • 10G: 5 ports
    • 100G: 9 ports
    • 400G: 0 port


  • Availability during Q2-2023:
    • Lille: 100%
    • Lyon: 99.98%
    • Marseille: 99.984%
    • Paris: 100%
    • Toulouse: 100%


  • NOC service Q2-2023:
    • NOC tickets handled: 67


  • Outages:

2 main outages occurred during Q2, both related to datacenter issues, one in Lyon and one in Marseille:

    • 31/05/2023: Due to a water cooling circuit @Free Pro/Jaguar MRS datacenter, the temperature raised sharply. France-IX and some customer’s racks were powered off by the DC staff to protect devices from very high temperatures. 10 peers were impacted. The France-IX rack was one of the first to be switched on again, after 15 hours.
    • 08/06/2023: An issue occurred during an electrical maintenance performed by SFR @Netcenter Venissieux DC, Lyon. Several racks lost power. The two redundant electrical feeds were unavailable during 30 minutes on L2K and L2D racks.


Upcoming projects and operations

  • Nokia rollout: Equinix PA6, Equinix PA7 and Interxion/DRT MRS2 PoPs are planned to be upgraded during Q3 and Q4 to a Nokia SR platform;
  • Lyon/Grenoble: in line with the actions described above, we will continue deploying Nokia devices. 7 PoPs will be migrated during Q3, Huawei and Cisco devices will be replaced. A brand new Out-of-Band network will be deployed by installing DWDM MUXes and dedicated DWDM channels. Legacy Cisco 3064 devices will be re-used for OOB purposes.


If you want more technical information, you can follow our large panel of twitter accounts (@as51706 for Paris, @as42064 for Marseille, @as43100 for Lyon, @as47184 for Toulouse and @as62228 for Lille).


Please also note that in order to sustain our growth and all the projects mentioned above, we are looking for a wide diversity of talents to join our tech team, ranging from operations manager to polyvalent technicians, through DevOps and NetOps. Find more informations here: Careers.


Happy peering with us,

France-IX technical team

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