Satisfaction survey : thank you for your trust!

Satisfaction survey : thank you for your trust!

A few weeks ago, we invited all our members connected in Paris and Marseille to fill in a new satisfaction survey (members in Lyon connected via Rezopole will be included in a next edition). Huge thanks to those who took the time to participate and help us further improve our services.

20 % of the member base, coming from 12 countries and representing 77 companies operating in various industries, thus shared their opinion on their customer experience at France-IX.

A large majority of participating members are connected in Paris, and/or Marseille and Lyon:

As  a first outstanding figure, we are proud to have received  no less than 98.7% of cumulated overall  satisfaction (against 95.1% in our last survey in 2019), and also 0 respondent who says they were dissatisfied of the peering services offered by France-IX.

Among the people who ordered a service within the 12 months prior to the survey (representing 36 % of the respondents), a large majority of respondents consider they are satisfied or very satisfied with the ordering process, whether it be regarding the interaction with the team (96.4%), the onboarding process (no less than 100%!) or the service delivery (92.8%). Again here, no dissatisfied respondent was reported.

Such recognition in the difficult health context we are experiencing is a great reward for our teams, who have been highly committed throughout the period to ensure business continuity and provide you with optimal quality of service.

Comments highlight the availability, stability and performance of the platform, as well as the fast negotiation and deployment and the quality of the technical support, which we hope will continue to give you full satisfaction.

When rating the attractivity level of the three cities where France-IX is present (Paris, Lyon and Marseille), unsurprisingly Paris is considered as the most attractive (98.8% of cumulated answers against 89.9% in 2019) but it stands out that Marseille has increased significantly since the last survey with 57.6% of respondents considering the France-IX community attractive or very attractive there (against 44.9% in 2019). We, however, did take into account a few comments suggesting to develop Marseille further, an approach which also applies to Lyon, recently integrated thanks to the merger with Rezopole carried out last December.

We also sought your opinion regarding the cities where you would recommend for France-IX to set up its 3 next points of presence (directly or through a partner). Toulouse being already in the pipeline, here is the feedback on other cities:

Lille, Bordeaux and Strasbourg lead the ranking. Already outlined in our last survey, these cities you highly recommend are of course part of our areas of development, just like we did with Lyon emphasized in our last surveys.

Finally, the trust you have placed in us is well reflected in the question “Would you recommend France-IX to your network?” with an average grade of 9.2 out of 10 (against 9.1 in 2019) and rates all exceeding 7/10, offering again a great reward for our commitment.


Until the next survey, you are obviously welcome to share your thoughts and comments:


Information on the survey described in this article:

    • 83 respondents from 12 different countries
    • 61 respondents for the French version, 22 for the English version
    • 16 questions in total
    • Survey available from February, 24th to March, 24th 2021


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