Technical report Q1 2018

Technical report Q1 2018

Time has come to share our technical update for the first quarter of 2018. Below are the main actions undertaken on France-IX’s infrastructure during the period:


  • RPKI ROA/IRR filtering on route servers: 

Strict filtering based on IRR and ROA validation states has been activated on route servers. You can find all the useful information here: and check the amount of filtered routes through this link:

  • QoS specifications:

Specifications describing how France-IX aims to provide the best quality of service are now available on our website:

  • Dark fiber infrastructure:

2 new dark fibers have been activated with 200Gbps of capacity each one : Interxion PAR5-Online DC2 and Telehouse2-Online DC3. Now Online DC2 and DC3 edge PoPs are dual attached to core PoPs (Interxion PAR5 and Telehouse2).


  • Key technical numbers for Q1-2018 :

Customer ports connected in the last 3 months:

  • 1G: 8 ports
  • 10G: 19 ports
  • 100G: 3 ports

Availability for Q1-2018:

Paris: > 99.993%
Marseille: 100%


11/02/2018: A crash on a process caused the reload of some services on the router slx2.th2, impacting members connected on this equipment during 9mins

  • Next main actions:
    • Paris Backbone upgrades:
      • Equinix PA6 PoP will be replaced with an Extreme SLX-9850 in order to provide more 100G ports. Coriant Groove G30 will be also deployed to provide 2x400G of capacity between PA6 and PAR5/TH2 core PoPs
    • Marseille backbone upgrades:
      • In order to address the increasing demand of 100G ports, new 100G LC will be installed in Interxion MRS1 PoP.
      • Route servers: the physical servers hosting the route servers will be replaced by new ones.

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