The France-IX Board now complete

The France-IX Board now complete

Many of you cast their votes for this second round of the elections held on January, 29th and intended to renew our Board Committee – with 38% of voters the required quorum of 25 % was largely exceeded!

Among the 6 candidates, Philippe Duby and Grégoire Villain received the highest number of votes, reaching respectively 27,5 % and 18,3 % of the votes. Congratulations to them! They are thus joining Sarah Nataf, elected last December, 15th and Christian Kaufmann, reelected on the same occasion. They now complete the France-IX board as follows:

Huge thanks to Lionel Drevon, Claire Audin, Maurice Dean and Richard Nguyen for their involvement in these elections. Please check the link below for the full vote results:

As you may know, we decided to split the Board elections in two in order to ensure equity with the Rezopole members, who were integrated as France-IX members last December, 15th and are now able to cast their vote. Most of members have thus chosen to support Philippe Duby, former president of the Rezopole board, guaranteeing the representation into the new board of a candidate from the Lyon community.

Find out the full results of the previous GM vote, held on 15 December 2020 on this page:

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