5 reasons why you should definitely attend the RIPE 76 in Marseille

5 reasons why you should definitely attend the RIPE 76 in Marseille

Do we still have to introduce the RIPE (European IP Networks)?

The organisation was created in 1989, when a group of Europe-based IP network providers decided to meet on a regular basis in order to share experiences and ensure the technical and administrative coordination necessary to drive the Internet forward.

What a long way we have come since then… while the Internet has invaded every aspect of our lives, the RIPE meetings have grown alike: from a handful of providers at the beginning, these events now gather hundreds of attendees from dozens of countries in Europe and all over the globe. Their importance gets unanimous approval from the relevant actors, but why is the RIPE 76, held from 14 to 18 May in Marseille, an absolutely not-to-be-missed event? Here are 5 reasons that might finish convincing you:

  1. Because RIPE meetings have become unmissable events: bringing together in one place all the players involved in the Internet ecosystem, these events offer a unique chance to learn about the latest technological developments, meet with peers as well as build networking. Coffee breaks, lunches and social events will provide as many opportunities during the week to meet with no less than 600 people.
  2. Because the quality and wealth of the exchanges during these events have been developing at great speed: participants have the possibility to be involved in important discussions around policies and procedures to be followed within the Internet ecosystem, thus addressing today’s many challenges. They can also share their experience and feedback with other attendees.  In other words, the possibility to bring a real stone to the building.
  3. Because the RIPE has not been held in France since 1992. While the previous editions gathered between 500 and 700 attendees, the proportion of French participants has been very low, never exceeding 24 people. We hope therefore hope to welcome a record number of French participants for this 76th edition!
  4. Because France-IX will be there and more importantly, as a co-host of the event. In addition to being committed in the organisation of the meeting, France-IX is also involved in the agenda planning thanks to the participation of Simon Muyal, CTO at France-IX, in the RIPE programme committee, who is in charge of ensuring the quality and relevance of the plenary contents. France-IX will be present throughout the week, providing the chance to see or meet the members of the team, which has been strengthened since the beginning of the year.
  5. Because it is held in Marseille for the very first time, and that in addition to its fine weather, the city is well-known, as everyone knows, for the number and quality of the technological infrastructures it hosts. As a key hub for the telecommunications and Internet connectivity in Europe, Marseille is the ideal ground for welcoming the growing Internet community and will without doubt inspire both enriching and constructive discussions.

We look forward to seeing you next 14 May! Register now through the following link:  https://ripe76.ripe.net/attend/register/

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