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Category: Public peering

HOPUS extends its “FLAT” offer for new France-IX members

HOPUS extends its “FLAT” offer for new France-IX members

Whether in Paris or Marseille, HOPUS renews its “FLAT” access offer for new members. In order to encourage you to evaluate the quality of the exchanges with its members, HOPUS has set up a temporary offer (called ‘FLAT’) under the following conditions: One-year commitment Monthly payment by direct debit No port charge Unlike the traditional HOPUS model, no remuneration for incoming traffic on your network For a sustained use beyond 80% of the subscribed VLAN, the member commits to evolve…

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PeeringDB: a number of new features to support the platform’s growth

PeeringDB: a number of new features to support the platform’s growth

As a Gold Sponsor for the 4th consecutive year, France-IX has been fully committed to bring its support to PeeringDB, the non-profit database that has become essential for peering coordinators. The free resource available online gathers in one place all the information on interconnection facilities and IP networks worldwide, making it necessary to create and update your profile to wholly benefit from the interconnection opportunities. A PeeringDB record is indeed required by many networks to be able to peer with…

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PeeringDB : des nouveautés pour soutenir la croissance de la plateforme

PeeringDB : des nouveautés pour soutenir la croissance de la plateforme

En tant que Gold Sponsor pour la 4ème année consécutive, France-IX est pleinement engagé à apporter son soutien à PeeringDB, la base de données à but non lucratif devenue indispensable pour les coordinateurs de peering. Cette ressource en ligne gratuite regroupe en une seule interface toutes les informations sur les infrastructures d’interconnexion et les réseaux IP au niveau mondial, rendant ainsi nécessaire la création et la mise à jour de votre profil afin de pouvoir bénéficier complètement des opportunités en…

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Enquête de satisfaction 2018 : nos membres ont parlé !

Enquête de satisfaction 2018 : nos membres ont parlé !

Il y a quelques mois, nous vous avons encouragés à participer pleinement à l’évolution de France-IX en répondant à une enquête de satisfaction. Nous souhaiterions remercier tous ceux qui y ont contribué : votre participation et opinion sont extrêmement précieuses pour nous aider à nous améliorer constamment et vous offrir le meilleur service possible. Hausse du taux de satisfaction global (96 % des répondants étant satisfait ou très satisfaits), France-IX Marseille apparaissant comme de plus en plus attractif et un…

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2018 satisfaction survey: our members have spoken up!

2018 satisfaction survey: our members have spoken up!

A few months ago, we asked you to fully take part in France-IX’s evolution by responding to a satisfaction survey. We would like to thank all of you who contributed: your participation and feedback are truly invaluable to help us improve constantly and offer you the best service possible. A rise in the satisfaction rate (96% of respondents say they are satisfied of very satisfied overall), France-IX Marseille appearing more and more attractive and a plebiscite in favour of the…

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Rapport technique Q4 2018

Rapport technique Q4 2018

Notre rapport technique pour le quatrième trimestre 2018 est disponible. Voici les principales actions entreprises au cours de cette période : Interconnexion Paris/Marseille : nous avons lancé une consultation afin de déployer de la capacité entre Paris et Marseille, comme annoncé lors de notre dernière Assemblée Générale. Nous sommes en train de comparer les fournisseurs et une capacité de 2x100Gbit/s sera déployée d’ici la fin du premier trimestre 2019. Nous vous fournirons bientôt des informations complémentaires sur cette nouvelle option…

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Q4 2018 Technical Update

Q4 2018 Technical Update

Our technical report for Q4 2018 is now available. Check out the below to see the main actions undertaken during the last quarter 2018: Paris/Marseille interconnection: we launched a tender to deploy capacity between Paris and Marseille as announced during our last General Meeting. We are comparing providers and 2x100G of capacity will be deployed by the end of Q1 2019. We will provide you with additional information about offers to use this interconnection soon. Small and medium PoP upgrade:…

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Le trafic Marketplace désormais offert chez France-IX

Le trafic Marketplace désormais offert chez France-IX

Parce que Noël approche et avec lui, la saison des cadeaux, nous sommes heureux de vous offrir la gratuité de votre trafic Marketplace, dès aujourd’hui et sans limitation de durée. Cela signifie que vous pouvez activer 1, 10 ou 100 VLANs auprès des 11 vendeurs Marketplace existants, échanger 100M, 1G ou même 10G de trafic avec eux sans vous préoccuper de dépasser votre forfait souscrit en matière de peering. Seuls les frais de mise en service des VLANs seront appliqués…

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The Marketplace traffic now free of charge at France-IX

The Marketplace traffic now free of charge at France-IX

Since it is Christmas and this is the season for giving, we are pleased to offer you your Marketplace traffic free of charge, going forward without time limitation. This means you can activate 1, 10, 100 VLANs towards the existing 11 Marketplace sellers, exchange 100M, 1G or even 10G of traffic with them without worrying about going over your peering traffic commitment. Only setup fees will be applied for the configuration of the VLANs. In other words, your peering traffic…

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RIPE 76: we made history together

RIPE 76: we made history together

RIPE 76, which was held in Marseille from 14 to 18 May 2018, was an event that broke all records. As a co-host, we felt honoured to help the RIPE NCC and proud to have contributed to the biggest RIPE meeting in history. Record number of total attendees (737 coming from 57 countries), record number of first time attendees (200), record number of French attendees (104 attendees, representing 14% of the audience and the 2nd largest country represented, i.e. a…

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